Tag Archives: Featured Authors

Speaking at the Alabama Book Festival

Alabama has one of the better book festivals in the Deep South http://alabamabookfestival.org/welcome.html . This year’s book festival will be held on Saturday, April 21st from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM in Old Alabama Town in downtown Montgomery.

I’ve attended the Alabama Book Festival for several years as an exhibitor for The Longleaf Alliance http://longleafalliance.org/. Every time I have attended the festival there have been: thousands of attendees, dozens of authors, and a fun-literary atmosphere.

This year will be different, because I have been invited to speak as a Featured Author!http://alabamabookfestival.org/past-festival-authors_1.html. But don’t worry. The Longleaf Alliance will still be an exhibitor. Vernon Compton is stopping to man the table in Montgomery before traveling back to Milton, Florida from another engagement.

I’ll drive up the night before the Alabama Book Festival to attend an authors’ reception where I’ll rub elbows with some fairly big names in contemporary southern literature: Wayne Flynt  http://www.uapress.ua.edu/product/Keeping-the-Faith,5207.aspx, Rheta Grimsley Johnson http://www.rhetagrimsleyjohnsonbooks.com/, Lisa Patton http://lisapatton.com/, Gin Phillips, http://www.ginphillips.com/ and many, many more.

Thus far, this is the high point of my tenure as an author. Now, if we can just get Don Noble to review my book on Public Radio…..